Virtual Office & Registered Address
What is a Virtual Office?
It is the address of a company to which Companies House and HM Revenue and Customs letters and reminders will be sent. The registered office can be anywhere in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland depending on where your company is registered. The registered or virtual office must always be an effective address for delivering documents to the company, and it is important that all correspondence sent to this address is dealt with promptly.
The registered or virtual office address will also be used by the UK tax authorities, and other government departments, to contact the company.
In the event the company is involved in any legal action official papers will often be served at the registered or virtual office address.
Why not use my home address?
Using a registered / virtual address keeps your home address private. Your private home address is not in the public domain, keeping you safe from identity fraud, or unwanted visitors.
Private Hire Licence
We have a number of Private hire clients using our Registered Office service. In order to operate a private hire company you need an office address within the local borough.
Our Private Hire Registered Office Service gives the address you need in the local area as well as an office to use as a base for meetings if required. Any mail received will be scanned to you.
What does it cost?
Virtual Office Address from £15 per month
Private Hire Address from £40 per month
Set Up Fee £20